If A Rapist Pays Off His Victim, Was A Crime Committed?

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In the wake of all the Bill Cosby hoopla and finding out that he admitted in his 2005 deposition to drugging women so that he could have sex with them (he called it “consensual”), it left me wondering… Why is the admitted molester/ rapist not in jail? At the very least he drugged them which is also a crime. Well, in this particular case, the defendant, Bill Cosby was being sued in a civil trial—not criminal—by Andrea Constand. He ended up settling his case with her, aka paid her off to avoid going in front of a jury. Now, a drugging and rape did occur. Shouldn’t there have been some kind of criminal action that was taken against the admitted criminal/ rapist? I’m assuming that part of the agreement to her receiving a shitload of hush-money was that no charges would be pressed against him. But Hello—a crime admittedly happened! Just because he never used the word “rape” doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. By definition, what he did was RAPE! And last I checked Rape was a felony.  And drugging someone against their will or knowledge is against the law too.

Now, I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know the ins and outs of the laws, but as a layman (woman), I would assume that there would be some kind of punishment other than paying the victim, which for a wealthy man is hardly a punishment. If he had admitted that he drugged women so that he could kill them, would anything else have happened at that point or would it just have cost him a bit more? Now I don’t know if Andrea Constand’s first response was to call the police or call her lawyer. But I’m guessing that if the man that drugged her and had sex with her was poor, that man would be in jail. What’s sad is that I bet this happens a lot. The case with Cosby just made that abundantly clear.

Hi-Tech vs The Human-Touch

In an age where a car can now drive itself, some may feel that technology is passing them by, or worse yet–replacing them.     Since super computers have enough advanced artificial intelligence to perform many human job-related tasks, this can beg the question of which career positions will still need to be filled with human shoes.
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As many have already seen, computers have already taken over many human’s jobs that involve redundancy and/or manufacturing.  But when it comes to art and creative endeavors in the workplace, humans are harder to replace.  The reason…creativity and innovation starts with humans.  Artistic expression is fueled by passion and imagination–both human traits that have yet to be duplicated by a computer.  However, make no mistake–technology does have it’s place in art.   Computers can be extremely beneficial and valuable to artists as tools that amplify inspiration and creative expression.  In fact, artistic talent is elevated to new levels and amazing results transpire on much grander scales when Hi-Tech tools are combined with a graceful human hand.   But machines can only add to the human-touch,  not replace it.
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This is evident in every custom architectural accent created by Realm of Design’s master artisans.  Realm of Design utilizes the most advanced hi-tech design tools including 3D scanners, 3D modeling, and a 5-axis Computer Numerical Control machine but it is their artistic vision and hand-sculpting of each piece that makes their architectural elements special and unique.  No computer can duplicate the workmanship and devotion that goes into Realm of Design’s pieces.
So as we witness technology taking over more occupations, Realm of Design will stay dedicated to hand-crafting each piece they create with their divine human-touch.  Visit http://www.RealmofDesign.com to see some of their beautiful creations.
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FIREWORKS—Be Safe, Sane and Well Insured


Fireworks and the 4th of July go hand-in-hand, but one must remember that fireworks can turn harmless fun into a disastrous, harmful and costly accident—especially for homeowners.  We’ve all heard of the slogan “Safe and Sane” as it pertains to the Fourth, but we should add “Liable and Well Insured” to that saying.  The fact that there are more structural and vehicle fires reported on the Fourth of July more than any other day of the year proves that more precaution needs to be taken (and promoted).

Insurance speak can be a real buzz-kill when looking to get your Fourth Fun On! But if you are a property owner, know that you are personally liable for any property or fire damage done to your home as well as your neighbor’s property in Las Vegas and/or Henderson Nevada (and probably everywhere else in the US.)  You are also liable for any bodily harm done. So if your Fourth of July celebration includes fireworks, make it a point to check with your insurance agent first to discuss your policy’s coverage and personal liability limit because even the most well planned fireworks displays can have unforeseen incidents.

Furthermore, if you are still planning on lighting some Fireworks, please use caution and common sense.  Here is a list of Firework safety tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission:

• Light fireworks outdoors in a clear area away from houses or flammable materials such as dry leaves or grass.

• Make sure other people are out of range before lighting fireworks.

• Never ignite fireworks in a container.

• Keep a bucket of water nearby in case of fireworks emergencies.

• Do not relight or handle malfunctioning fireworks. Instead, soak them in water and throw them away.

• Do not place any part of your body over a firework while lighting it.

Myself and Westside Restoration Las Vegas wishes everyone a happy and safe Fourth of July celebration.

If you experience any Fire Damage in Las Vegas or Water damage in Las Vegas, visit http://www.westsiderestoration.com.


planning risk

Let’s face it, when it comes to properties, bad things happen.  Whether it’s a home or commercial property, there are always going to be unforeseen events that cause property damage.  So let’s focus on the areas that can be controlled to lower the risk of potential property damage.  Mary Girsch-Bock of PropertyManager.com compiled a list of effective risk management strategies.

  • REMOVE THE RISK. It may sound elementary, but remove anything that looks like it may cause harm, risk or liability. If you visually see rotting wood, sinking ceilings, raised floors, dead trees etc… Remove them. By removing the risk, this alone will greatly reduce the likelihood of further damage. Although, removing the risk is the most permanent solution, frequently it is not possible.


  • CONTROL THE RISK. While we can’t control the weather, we can certainly plan for the possibility. Emergency plans can be implemented and provided to all tenants upon move-in, with reminders given once tornado/hurricane season starts. While controlling the risk will not eliminate the possibility of a tornado or hurricane or other adverse event affecting your property, both you and your tenants will be better prepared for it.


  • REDUCE THE RISK. Part of the success of pro-active risk management is the ability to handle adverse events when they happen. Unfortunately, there is no activity that will eliminate risk 100 percent of the time. However, by implementing proactive practices such as annual inspections of furnaces, roofs, stoves, and other appliances, the rate of adverse events is likely to drop to a manageable level.


  • INSURE THE PROPERTY ADEQUATELY. While the first three items on this list directly affect the incidence of risk, insuring your properties adequately against these events can play a large part in managing to stay financially solvent. Again, while you can caution tenants against turning on their stove, and then falling asleep, you can’t be in their unit, ensuring that they are in fact wide awake while cooking. Having adequate insurance coverage will not eliminate adverse events, but it will make sure that your home and/or company will be able to absorb the costs of the loss in the most effective manner.

By accepting the fact that bad things can and will happen, and planning accordingly, property managers can reduce the effect that these events have on both the property and the bottom line.

Westside Restoration is available 24/7 to provide emergency service in the event of fire damage, water damage, wind or storm damage.  Visit the Masters of Disasters at http://www.westsiderestoration.com.


As in any business, there are top performers and then there are the not-so-good or average performers.  But when it comes to insurance claims adjusters, what seems to set the top performers apart from the rest?  Well, Brady Dugan of Property Casualty 360 has compiled a list of 10 traits that take a claims adjuster from good to great.

1.       Integrity:

Nothing establishes credibility like integrity. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines integrity as, “A firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; incorruptibility.” Above all else, moral professionalism is the greatest quality anyone in the insurance claims industry can possess.

2.       Customer Satisfaction:

Unfortunately in claims the reality is that an adjuster will frequently have to deal with angry or impatient people. The ability to understand an insured’s frustration can calm many situations. A top performing adjuster will thoroughly explain claim procedures and determine the customer’s expectations. This will be evident in the accolade of consistently good QA reviews.

3.       Timeliness:

The quality of an adjuster’s work coincides with that of the Claims Department. Together they are bound by statutory laws for handling claims in a timely manner. Therefore, at each step of the claim life cycle the adjuster’s performance is measured. Top performers will inevitably have the lowest times in making initial contact, responding to communications, completing investigations and submitting reports.

4.       Estimating Accuracy:

Damages must be accessed. The more proficient an adjuster is in determining the value of damages, the better resolution for each claim. Accuracy can be the domino effect to integrity, customer service, and ultimately lead to litigation.

5.       Documenting:

Top performing adjusters create a complete claim file. A claim may take many twists and turns. Adjusters who logically organize their investigations and tell a story through their documentation will always rise above those who do not.

6.       Policy Knowledge:

The policy is the very basis for which a claim can be made. It is the contract for which the adjuster’s services are requested. Top performing adjusters not only know the different types of insurance policies, but they can identify and apply the policy components in determining whether or not the cause of loss is covered.

7.       Critical Thinking:

Each claim poses a different set of obstacles and each insured has a varying degree of claims understanding. Being able to apply critical thinking in any claims circumstance will contribute to the adjuster being a top performer.

8.       Communication:

An adjuster deals with people from many different socioeconomic backgrounds. Top performers effectively and consistently communicate with all parties to a claim.

9.       Negotiation:

Many may take the title “Adjuster” for granted or may not really understand what it means. Top performers know that their efforts to settle a loss will be contingent upon their ability to negotiate between the demands of each party and the facts at hand. They will spend the time in conversation to get the information it takes to back up the facts.

10.   Self Improvement:

Adjusters who complete the bare minimum state CE requirements will never rise to be top performers in the adjusting industry. Only those who love what they do and in turn want to do it better each day rise to the level of top performers. Not only can they handle criticism, they welcome it and consistently search out ways to improve.

Top performers consistently excel in a number of areas. They aren’t afraid of failure because they learn from their mistakes and are constantly finding new ways to improve their performance.

Westside Restoration works seamlessly with top notch insurance claims adjusters in Las Vegas Nevada and Phoenix Arizona.  Visit the Las Vegas Water Damage repair specialist Westside Restoration at http://www.westsiderestoration.com


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In an effort to reduce expenses, American International Group (AIG), the largest commercial insurer in the US, is moving jobs overseas to the Philippines. The plan is to move thousands of jobs by 2015 to more cost efficient locations which not only include the Philippines, but also Bulgaria and Malaysia. Besides relocating overseas, some positions will be shifted from high-cost cities like New York City to less-expensive United States cities including Texas and possibly Kansas. This relocation of jobs is in addition to the 1500 jobs being cut by the insurance giant. As another cost-saver, the global company is also putting forth a new system to manage claims more efficiently.
AIG is a leader in insurance and financial services. Based in New York, the company operates in over 362 cities all over the world and has approximately 64,000 employees.

Visit http://www.westsiderestoration.com blog for more news you can use.  Westside Restoration Las Vegas is available 24/7 for any Las Vegas water damage cleanup, repair and restoration.


While insurance companies spend billions of dollars a year in advertising to attract new potential customers by offering big savings, surprisingly, the policy price is not the number one reason customers switch-over to a new insurance carrier. According to JD Power 2014 U.S. Insurance Shopping study, the number one reason customers shop for a new auto insurance carrier is due to a negative experience they had with their current insurer, ultimately causing them to shop for and switch to a new company.

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The study noted that customers whom had a poor experience with their current insurance provider switched to a new company more that twice as much as a customer whose premium increased. Of course, price is still important to customers but it will usually not drive them away. Rate increases seem to be expected / tolerated to a certain degree. Though, it appears that a rate hike of approximately $200 is the magic number that gets a policy holder to jump ship.
Overall, Insurers that achieved high satisfaction scores by providing excellent customer service retained a higher percentage of their customers. The study ranked Erie Insurance the highest among auto insurers with satisfied customer experiences. Metlife and State Farm tied for second, while American Family and Ameriprise tied for fourth.

Westside Restoration Las Vegas believes in going beyond expectations when it comes to customer service.  Visit http://www.westsiderestoration.com if you have Las Vegas Water Damage, Las Vegas Fire Damage or need Flood cleanup, repair and restoration.


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Farmers Insurance recently filed nine class action lawsuits against approximately 200 Chicago communities.  The gist of the lawsuits states that the local governments should be held liable for the costs of climate change because they should have known that global warming  temperatures would cause heavier rains and storms—yet, they didn’t prepare their sewers and storm-drains enough to handle the natural disasters.  It is the first suit of its kind.

The lawsuit stems from the April 2013 flooding that occurred in Illinois which caused hundreds of millions in damage.   A Farmers spokesman would not specify how much the company paid in insurance claims, and none of the suits specified a damage amount.

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This interesting court challenge will be a bit of an uphill battle  for the  Farmers litigation team which has to prove  that natural disasters are predictable and not just random “acts of God.”  Therefore, validating  the risk of flooding  (and  its damage)  was foreseen by the localities, consequently;  they  should bear the  cost liability.  Chicago officials contend  it is already spending heavily on infrastructure to adapt to changing weather and has a comprehensive Climate Action Plan.  Furthermore, lawyers for the localities will argue government immunity protects them from prosecution.

“It’s a long shot for the insurance companies, but it’s not completely implausible, and if you have enough cases like this going forward it might build some helpful precedent,” said Robert Verchick, who served on the Obama administration’s Climate Change Adaptation Task Force.**

“We will see more and more cases,” said Michael Gerrard, director of the Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School in New York. “No one is expected to plan for the 500-year storm, but if horrible events are happening with increasing frequency, that may shift the duties.”**

Daniel Jasica of the State ‘s Attorney’s Office  asks  the question that everyone is thinking,  “If these types of suits are successful – where is the money going to come from to pay the lawsuits? The taxpayers?” ** Insurance companies will have also have to distribute the costs.  So, no matter which side wins or loses, the  precedent is already set…  higher taxes and higher insurance premiums—the individuals always end up paying.

Please keep Westside Restoration in mind for any Las Vegas Fire or Water Damage Cleanup, Repair or Restoration in Las Vegas NV, Phoenix AZ or Southern California.  Visit http://www.westsiderestoration.com or call 1-877-785-4357.

**Rueters, (Reporting by Mica Rosenberg; Editing by Howard Goller and Douglas Royalty)

Walmart Enters the Insurance Business

Walmart is entering the auto insurance business in its latest move to offer affordable services to customers.


The retail giant is partnering with AutoInsurance.com, a price-comparison and shopping website. The website was created after Walmart approached parent company Tranzutary Insurance Solutions with the idea to create an integrated auto insurance service that lets consumers shop for and purchase policies on one site, instead of directing them to the individual sites of specific insurance providers when they’re ready to buy. It’s now available in eight states, with plans to roll out nationwide in the coming months. The site pulls in your existing insurance policy and lets you compare rates across companies including Progressive, Travelers, E-surance and Safeco. It allows shoppers to buy policies directly from AutoInsurance.com. Walmart does not operate the service but will serve as the sole marketing partner to promote the website. Walmart will feature displays in stores, as well as promote the service on its website. It will receive monthly payments for each store where the service is promoted.

Please keep Westside Restoration in mind for any Fire or Water Damage Cleanup, Repair or Restoration needed in Las Vegas, NV.  Visit http://www.westsiderestoration.com or call 1-877-785-HELP or 702-233-1510 in Las Vegas.


dark cherry wood cabinets

If you are like the many homeowners that are sick of looking at their tired kitchen cabinets, then you should consider revitalizing your kitchen with new cherry wood cabinets.  This distinctive dark wood is holding strong as the top trending wood-type used for kitchen cabinets in 2014 — and with good reason.  The reddish-brown color not only makes your kitchen pop, but it enriches the heart of the home with elegance and class.  Cherry Wood is also versatile; it can be used in traditional designs as well as modern settings.  In fact, Cherry Wood Cabinets paired with sleek stainless hardware creates quite an upscale chic look.

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Because of Genuine Cherry Wood’s beauty and durability, it is one of the pricier hardwoods. For the budget conscience, another option is to purchase cabinets made out of one of the less expensive wood materials and have them stained a cherry color.  This will still give a visual boost to a hum-drum kitchen, consequently, giving an uptown upgrade the overall appearance to the space.

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Westside Restoration  carries an assortment of Kitchen Cabinets at the Las Vegas showroom, including Quality Cabinets that we can install.  Westside Restoration is a fully licensed General contractor in addition to being Fire & Water damage restoration experts in Las Vegas.  Call Westside Restoration Las Vegas at 702-233-1510  today to rejuvenate your kitchen cabinets, kitchen countertop and more…