Tag Archive | insurance claims

FIREWORKS—Be Safe, Sane and Well Insured


Fireworks and the 4th of July go hand-in-hand, but one must remember that fireworks can turn harmless fun into a disastrous, harmful and costly accident—especially for homeowners.  We’ve all heard of the slogan “Safe and Sane” as it pertains to the Fourth, but we should add “Liable and Well Insured” to that saying.  The fact that there are more structural and vehicle fires reported on the Fourth of July more than any other day of the year proves that more precaution needs to be taken (and promoted).

Insurance speak can be a real buzz-kill when looking to get your Fourth Fun On! But if you are a property owner, know that you are personally liable for any property or fire damage done to your home as well as your neighbor’s property in Las Vegas and/or Henderson Nevada (and probably everywhere else in the US.)  You are also liable for any bodily harm done. So if your Fourth of July celebration includes fireworks, make it a point to check with your insurance agent first to discuss your policy’s coverage and personal liability limit because even the most well planned fireworks displays can have unforeseen incidents.

Furthermore, if you are still planning on lighting some Fireworks, please use caution and common sense.  Here is a list of Firework safety tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission:

• Light fireworks outdoors in a clear area away from houses or flammable materials such as dry leaves or grass.

• Make sure other people are out of range before lighting fireworks.

• Never ignite fireworks in a container.

• Keep a bucket of water nearby in case of fireworks emergencies.

• Do not relight or handle malfunctioning fireworks. Instead, soak them in water and throw them away.

• Do not place any part of your body over a firework while lighting it.

Myself and Westside Restoration Las Vegas wishes everyone a happy and safe Fourth of July celebration.

If you experience any Fire Damage in Las Vegas or Water damage in Las Vegas, visit http://www.westsiderestoration.com.


planning risk

Let’s face it, when it comes to properties, bad things happen.  Whether it’s a home or commercial property, there are always going to be unforeseen events that cause property damage.  So let’s focus on the areas that can be controlled to lower the risk of potential property damage.  Mary Girsch-Bock of PropertyManager.com compiled a list of effective risk management strategies.

  • REMOVE THE RISK. It may sound elementary, but remove anything that looks like it may cause harm, risk or liability. If you visually see rotting wood, sinking ceilings, raised floors, dead trees etc… Remove them. By removing the risk, this alone will greatly reduce the likelihood of further damage. Although, removing the risk is the most permanent solution, frequently it is not possible.


  • CONTROL THE RISK. While we can’t control the weather, we can certainly plan for the possibility. Emergency plans can be implemented and provided to all tenants upon move-in, with reminders given once tornado/hurricane season starts. While controlling the risk will not eliminate the possibility of a tornado or hurricane or other adverse event affecting your property, both you and your tenants will be better prepared for it.


  • REDUCE THE RISK. Part of the success of pro-active risk management is the ability to handle adverse events when they happen. Unfortunately, there is no activity that will eliminate risk 100 percent of the time. However, by implementing proactive practices such as annual inspections of furnaces, roofs, stoves, and other appliances, the rate of adverse events is likely to drop to a manageable level.


  • INSURE THE PROPERTY ADEQUATELY. While the first three items on this list directly affect the incidence of risk, insuring your properties adequately against these events can play a large part in managing to stay financially solvent. Again, while you can caution tenants against turning on their stove, and then falling asleep, you can’t be in their unit, ensuring that they are in fact wide awake while cooking. Having adequate insurance coverage will not eliminate adverse events, but it will make sure that your home and/or company will be able to absorb the costs of the loss in the most effective manner.

By accepting the fact that bad things can and will happen, and planning accordingly, property managers can reduce the effect that these events have on both the property and the bottom line.

Westside Restoration is available 24/7 to provide emergency service in the event of fire damage, water damage, wind or storm damage.  Visit the Masters of Disasters at http://www.westsiderestoration.com.


As in any business, there are top performers and then there are the not-so-good or average performers.  But when it comes to insurance claims adjusters, what seems to set the top performers apart from the rest?  Well, Brady Dugan of Property Casualty 360 has compiled a list of 10 traits that take a claims adjuster from good to great.

1.       Integrity:

Nothing establishes credibility like integrity. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines integrity as, “A firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; incorruptibility.” Above all else, moral professionalism is the greatest quality anyone in the insurance claims industry can possess.

2.       Customer Satisfaction:

Unfortunately in claims the reality is that an adjuster will frequently have to deal with angry or impatient people. The ability to understand an insured’s frustration can calm many situations. A top performing adjuster will thoroughly explain claim procedures and determine the customer’s expectations. This will be evident in the accolade of consistently good QA reviews.

3.       Timeliness:

The quality of an adjuster’s work coincides with that of the Claims Department. Together they are bound by statutory laws for handling claims in a timely manner. Therefore, at each step of the claim life cycle the adjuster’s performance is measured. Top performers will inevitably have the lowest times in making initial contact, responding to communications, completing investigations and submitting reports.

4.       Estimating Accuracy:

Damages must be accessed. The more proficient an adjuster is in determining the value of damages, the better resolution for each claim. Accuracy can be the domino effect to integrity, customer service, and ultimately lead to litigation.

5.       Documenting:

Top performing adjusters create a complete claim file. A claim may take many twists and turns. Adjusters who logically organize their investigations and tell a story through their documentation will always rise above those who do not.

6.       Policy Knowledge:

The policy is the very basis for which a claim can be made. It is the contract for which the adjuster’s services are requested. Top performing adjusters not only know the different types of insurance policies, but they can identify and apply the policy components in determining whether or not the cause of loss is covered.

7.       Critical Thinking:

Each claim poses a different set of obstacles and each insured has a varying degree of claims understanding. Being able to apply critical thinking in any claims circumstance will contribute to the adjuster being a top performer.

8.       Communication:

An adjuster deals with people from many different socioeconomic backgrounds. Top performers effectively and consistently communicate with all parties to a claim.

9.       Negotiation:

Many may take the title “Adjuster” for granted or may not really understand what it means. Top performers know that their efforts to settle a loss will be contingent upon their ability to negotiate between the demands of each party and the facts at hand. They will spend the time in conversation to get the information it takes to back up the facts.

10.   Self Improvement:

Adjusters who complete the bare minimum state CE requirements will never rise to be top performers in the adjusting industry. Only those who love what they do and in turn want to do it better each day rise to the level of top performers. Not only can they handle criticism, they welcome it and consistently search out ways to improve.

Top performers consistently excel in a number of areas. They aren’t afraid of failure because they learn from their mistakes and are constantly finding new ways to improve their performance.

Westside Restoration works seamlessly with top notch insurance claims adjusters in Las Vegas Nevada and Phoenix Arizona.  Visit the Las Vegas Water Damage repair specialist Westside Restoration at http://www.westsiderestoration.com

Bizarre Fire Insurance Claim Story of the Week

A lawyer from North Carolina purchased a box of expensive cigars and insured them against flooding, storm damage and – of all things – fire.

cigar pic

Needless to say, his investment went up in smoke within a month – after which the lawyer filed a claim with his homeowners insurance company, stating that he was owed compensation because “the cigars were lost in a series of small fires”.

The insurer refused to pay, assuming (correctly) that the man had smoked the pack himself. A judge ruled, however, that since the insurer had never stated what was considered to be “unacceptable” fire, the company did, in fact, owe him $15,000 to replace his property.

Result: The insurance company paid the claim, but then had the lawyer arrested. He was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine for 24 counts of arson and insurance fraud.

Certainly fraud but props for cleverness.

Westside Restoration  repairs Fire, Smoke, Fire, Flood and water damage in Las Vegas Nevada and Phoenix Arizona 24/7.  For more damage restoration information visit http://www.westsiderestoration.com or call 1-877-785- HELP.